
New Project

Relative Strangers

Relative Strangers follows a group of mixed-race adopted Koreans—the adult children of U.S. servicemen and Korean women—as they team up with search experts and DNA specialists in their decades-long quest to find their first families. A story of loss, discovery, and renewal, Relative Strangers is currently in production.



First Person Plural is part of Criterion's First-Person Asian American collection this May! Check out 11 great  documentaries here

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Geographies of Kinship streaming now until December 30th on America Reframed on WORLD Channel.


Crossings is now available to educational institutions, libraries and community groups on Collective Eye. Order the film here.


Geographies of Kinship Encore Broadcast:  November 30, 2023 @8 pm ET / 5pm PT on America Reframed on WORLD Channel

Recent Works

Geographies of Kinship

Geographies of Kinship

In this powerful tale about the rise of Korea’s global adoption program, four adult adoptees return to their country of birth and recover the personal histories that were lost when they were adopted. Along the way there are discoveries and dead ends, as well as mysteries that will never be unraveled. 



In Crossings, a group of international women peacemakers, including renowned activists Gloria Steinem and Christine Ahn, sets out on a risky journey across the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, calling for an end to a 70-year war that has divided the Korean peninsula and its people.

Vivien’s Wild Ride

Vivien’s Wild Ride

After a long career in cinema, film editor Vivien Hillgrove starts losing her sight, forcing her to re-examine past traumas and relationships, and to re-invent herself and her art. Directed by Vivien Hillgrove (in production).

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